The Vision

The Centrality of the Human Being

If the 20th century marked the collapse of Utopias and the dominance of "consumerism of things" (with devastating effects already visible from a human, climatic, and environmental perspective), our century, if we do not intervene in the opposite direction, risks becoming that of "consumerism of ideas," of throwaway culture, of creativity delegated to machines, of the eclipse of human thought.

At Bookelot, the pinnacle of technology marries a purely humanistic vision of cultural dissemination.

The immersive book is a new form of art, capable of engaging multiple senses in the ancient pleasure of reading.

Art goes beyond beauty. Beauty can also be created by machines, but true Art creates experiences and passions that only human beings can understand and engage.

Bookelot aims to expand the potential of human creativity.

With Bookelot, the human experience is center stage.

A Social Network. More: a Cultural Network

Adapting the world wide web to break territorial boundaries and create new worlds. We crave a broader, borderless world, a world as an extension of the real, not an artificial Paradise of escape.

A social network, and more: a Cultural Network. Because “we were not made to live like brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge” (Divine Comedy). In a world faced with constant threats, we aim for Hope, to respond with our humanity and culture, paving the way for peace and the human condition. It is about putting study, dialogue, and reading back at the center, the only tools potentially capable of breaking down walls and harmful hatreds stemming from mutual misunderstanding and superficial knowledge.

It is about putting study, dialogue, and reading back at the center, the only tools potentially capable of breaking down walls and harmful hatreds stemming from mutual misunderstanding and superficial knowledge.

A Look Towards the Youth

Too often, our young people, deprived of greater dreams capable of giving meaning to existence, fall under the spell of those who make them believe it is possible to achieve without effort: "you sketch the idea, the computer writes the novel and you get rich without doing anything," "use this app and become a musician in a day," "go around with your little camera, become an influencer, get lots of followers and get rich without working." Kids: don't be fooled! To feed a wolf, you need an average of 200 sheep.

Those who tell you "Come here my friend, I'll teach you to devour" have very likely already marked you as their next prey. There is no wealth without work, because true wealth is not limited to money (though necessary).

True wealth, the only one that can give full satisfaction in life, is the pride of the producer, seeing how one's study, effort, and dedication materialize into something useful and beautiful, from an artistic as well as a practical point of view. We aim to support our kids and new generations, helping them achieve their dreams by ensuring cultural relativity, creating a technological path to become passionate about their dreams.

A Different E-Commerce

Our virtual bookstore aims to create a purchase experience no different than the real one.

A phygital project, where real and virtual are destined to intertwine more and more: we are already mobilizing physical bookstores to join Bookelot so they can create their virtual alter ego. We envision events to be launched simultaneously in both worlds.

Breaking down borders and distances, bringing more people to bookstores.


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